Altamayyuz Finance & Accounting Excellence Academy signed a memorandum of understanding with Ministry of Economy and Planning, to develop and qualify the national competencies in the Kingdom in the field of economics. The signing of the MoU was represented by Feras N. Sheraiff, Deputy Minister for Strategic Planning and Corporate Excellence, while the academy was represented by its General Manager, Abdullah M. Majrashi.
The MoU aims to support the achievement of the objectives of the Saudi Vision 2030 in partnership with various agencies in Saudi Arabia, and the development and qualification of national competencies in the Kingdom.
The MoU outlined strengthening the partnership between the two entities by developing opportunities for joint cooperation in the fields of training and development in the financial and economic sector. This entailed designing and implementing a group of training and development programs for the employees of the Ministry, which includes several programs such as the Main Enrichment, the Development of Youth Economists, the Economic Leaders, and the Master of Applied Economics.